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The Best Interest » Investing & Retirement » Page 10

Investing & Retirement

Should you be hand-picking stocks? Timing the market? Or taking the “lazy portfolio” way out?

Investing and Retirement are complicated and consequential topics. The articles below address these complex ideas.

I hope you enjoy them! And let me know what other questions you’d like me to dig into.

close up photo of medicinal drugs

Investing Placebos

As investors, our inert actions can yield genuinely positive outcomes in our portfolios. Random decisions, but real gains. It happens all the time.

group of people watching on laptop

3 Reasons To “Invest While You’re Young”

Experienced investors constantly advise their younger counterparts to “invest while you’re young!” But why? Why does investing while young matter more than investing while old? Can’t someone just “catch up” on their investments later in life?