5 Year-End Financial Planning Tips
If you’re not careful, the holiday season will fly by (in a sleigh?) before you can do these 5 intelligent things in your financial plan.
If you’re not careful, the holiday season will fly by (in a sleigh?) before you can do these 5 intelligent things in your financial plan.
I didn’t know how to pronounce Les Miserables until 2017. Now I know all the songs. My wife bought us tickets to the show for… Read More »“Boring” Money Topics That I Find Fun
After I wrote a simple primer on Roth conversions a couple weeks ago, several readers reached out asking for more details. A few specific snippets… Read More »The Powerful Benefits of Roth Conversions
I grew up east of Rochester, in Upstate New York’s apple country. New York produces ~30 million bushels of apples per year, second among the… Read More »Should You Consider Roth Conversions?
The SECURE 2.0 Act, passed in 2022, featured many new tax and investing rules. Perhaps the most publicized change is that people can convert 529… Read More »The Important Details Behind 529-to-Roth Conversions
Readers had some awesome questions after my recent post about after-tax returns. Including, “So Roth is better than Traditional, right?”
Most sources do NOT account for taxes properly when estimating investment returns. Let’s fix that.
A step-by-step acronym to breakdown every investing decision.
Let’s address the most common mistake in understanding taxes, how tax brackets work, and how you can save thousands from your tax bill.