Baby Maeve and the Ovarian Lottery
What financial lessons can we learn from an 8-month old baby about luck, timing, and something called “the Ovarian lottery?”
What financial lessons can we learn from an 8-month old baby about luck, timing, and something called “the Ovarian lottery?”
If you’re not careful, the holiday season will fly by (in a sleigh?) before you can do these 5 intelligent things in your financial plan.
How much money can you actually save through smart financial planning questions? A lot more than most people think.
Despite the complexity of financial planning, many professionals still focus on “common issues” that you should be getting right, too.
Slam dunks intentionally forgo the extra point possible in a 3-point shot. Smart financial planning works the same exact way.
“It depends” is a near-universal phrase in personal finance. How do we get more financial certainty when “it depends” surrounds us?
Even simple financial planning tools – like a backdoor Roth IRA – can lead to $100,000+ savings in the long run.
How do you Wordle? Fast and furious, or slow and methodical? Financial planning works the same way…but with thousands of dollars on the line!
This will piss off some advisors, but not everyone needs professional financial help. Here’s the analogy I use to explain it.
The 4% rule is the most popular shorthand in retirement planning. And you’re probably using it wrong.