Travis Scott’s Important Investing Reminder
What do Travis Scott and Charlie Munger have in common? People need reminders. Without them, we repeat our past mistakes.
What do Travis Scott and Charlie Munger have in common? People need reminders. Without them, we repeat our past mistakes.
Invest more and face fees? Invest less and suffer from money on the sidelines? What’s the best strategy to take?
How can a few quick assumptions *almost* cost someone $120,000?
How do you prepare your investments for the end of the world? Or is that a dumb wager to begin with?
Summer 2021 saw some amazing progress with The Best Interest, with life, and with dogs! Check it out!
I negotiated a raise at work 30 months ago. And because of that raise, my net worth is now $67,000 higher than it otherwise would have been. Time to answer some questions about how it all worked.
I’m sorry if you’ve read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I’m sorry if Robert Kiyosaki is a mentor to you. He’s a wolf. The worst kind of wolf. Because he’s great at being a faux sheep.
Ultimately, today’s lesson is to know the value and know your price. If $30 is a fair price for jeans, then it’s fair regardless of last week’s price.
JL – if you ever end up reading this and feel like I’ve been a jerk, please let me know. It’s not my intention, and… Read More »JL Collins’ Fun Pretzel Logic
I’ve had tons of good interactions with David. He’s a good guy. But I gotta admit—my face contorted when I read his tweet last week.